You Just Can’t Keep a Good Dog Down!

Since my previous post on the subject of the ‘Grand Old Duke of York’s’ activities in the role of (to use his full title) ‘UK Special Representative for International Trade and Investment’, it seems that the duke just can’t seem to stop himself from carrying out his duties.

Like a well trained dog, he continues to perform, even though he officially stepped down from the job almost a year ago. The duke has continued to jet around the Middle East, clocking up the air miles while dropping in on his erstwhile ‘friends and acquaintances’.

Andy’s dogged insistence on continuing with his redundant role is much like the behaviour of a sheepdog. Usually Border Collies, sheepdogs are highly intelligent dogs, and once trained are often unable to stop herding sheep. Sadly, when they become too old to do the job properly, the farmer has only one option. What’s that—you might ask? Well, shall I just say that there are no homes for retired sheepdogs!

It seems that a drastic solution needs to be found for the Duke of York, but what?

The Duke
The Duke

Border Collie
Border Collie

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